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Summary Of The Heavy Burden I Impose Upon God

The Search for God Page 4.2.6

These are the attributes I expect God to possess. I am not saying I know God has these attributes. If we are looking for ultimate reality and the eternal substance of the universe, then this is the only unique being possible.

The burden we want God to bear.


What I know to be true:

Problem lack of knowledge about death, evil, and ultimate reality
Solution A being who possesses all knowledge about ultimate reality
Implication To possess all knowledge, this being must know the future, therefore, must be eternal and timeless
Problem Our knowledge and understanding change
Solution A being with all knowledge could not gain more knowledge 
Implication This being would have to be unchanging in substance (immutable) and knowledge
Observation The universe is rational and displays signs of intelligent design
Implication This being is rational and creative
Problem Solution
Something is eternal and uncaused, either a being, matter or both.
An intelligent living being who caused intelligent life seems more likely than non-intelligent, non-living matter
Without knowledge of future causes, a being would lack all knowledge
A being must be timeless to have all knowledge.
A timeless, universal, “all-knowing,” caused or dependent being reliant upon external knowledge would not be truly all-knowing about ultimate reality
To possess all knowledge, a being must be an eternal, non-dependent, uncaused, timeless being.
Issue Problem Solution

Moral facts and duties are rational, necessary, and unchanging. Moral facts and duties are good.
Moral facts and duties are grounded in a necessary, rational, unchanging being.

Humans recognize rational moral facts but fail to perform rational moral duties. Failure of moral duties produces evil in society. Human society possesses evil, immoral humans.
Therefore, Human society has evil because humans fail to perform rational moral duties.We need something or someone to rid human society of evil and ensure moral duties are performed.
When rational moral duties are breached, producing evil, society expects and demands justice.Justice for evil moral actions is often inadequate during a human lifetime, resulting in injustice.
We need someone with the power and righteous, all-knowing judgment to bring true justice to evil, even after death.
Problem All humans die. Death is an effect that has a cause. Human reason and senses are insufficient to provide true answers about death.
Solution Humans must find a transcendent being with knowledge about death. 
Implication Since we want a true answer about death, the being must be trustworthy and transcendent. This transcendent being should provide either proof of the realm of death or proof of possessing all-knowledge about ultimate reality. Based on the law of causality, a being to possess all knowledge must be an eternal, non-dependent, uncaused, timeless being.
Is The Religion Extant

The Being We Are Looking For

Death and evil injustice – To solve the problems of death, moral evil, and injustice, a being must be an omnipotent, omniscient, all-good judge. Furthermore, to be all-knowing, the being must be eternalnon-dependentuncaused, and timeless, which rules out a simple transcendent being.

There would only be one, single, unique being with these attributes:

All-good Timeless

We use the term god as a title, like the president, for this being. Because God is transcendent and nondependent, humans cannot communicate with God unless he initiates communication. Therefore, we must examine history for signs of communication from God.

If God communicates, he has a purpose. If God has a purpose, then we should expect the following:

Communication to be old
Communication to still exist today
Multiple communications to multiple people
Demand for rational written communication

Displays and demonstrations of his nature to confirm who he is, such as:
Displays of his power to convince individual messengers
Foretelling the future to convince others to trust the messengers

The human demand is a being who we can trust that has knowledge of the solutions to our main problems of death, moral evil, and injustice. Only God, a single unique being, could communicate all-knowledge about ultimate reality, ensuring humankind absolute truth.

My Theory:

There exists in reality a single unique being who is:

Able to judge moral evilImmutable
Able to provide true justiceNondependent
All-powerful Uncaused
Eternal Unchanging

Can anything greater exist?
Can we find signs of communication with humankind?

What Next?

  • What is the crucial concept?
  • Why is that significant?
  • If you agree, the next steps.
  • If you disagree, please consider reading.
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