The Search for God Page 3.5
The problem with philosophy and individual knowledge is that we think we know what God should be like, but we can’t know God in a personal, experiential manner.

Human Knowledge
Humans speak of what we know. We have a knowledge of something existing or the properties of something which is what most people clearly understand. So in this sense, philosophy and our own understanding can inform us that God should exist and the attributes God should have.
The problem with the word know, as any thesaurus points out, is that we can know the information of God, but not have the experience of God, we don’t know God. As humans, we could potentially develop a relationship with the emperor or president.
We can know the Pegasus galaxy exists, but no human has ever explored it. So maybe God can be examined; maybe we can identify God like the Pegasus galaxy or the background radiation of the universe.
Maybe we can study God and build some instruments to examine him like a black hole or quarks. Science is the answer. I can take a telescope and watch the emperor, but I will never be allowed in the palace or invited over for tea.
I live under the subjection of the emperor and his rules and authority but have no relationship. I know God, but I don’t know God. Could we just have jumped to religions?
Yes, many do, but who are we looking for? If you went looking for the emperor but never did research, never looked at a picture, anybody could say they were the emperor, but how would you know? Same with God.
So the following points comprise my hypothesis:

These are the attributes I am looking for:
If my hypothesis fails, if I find no signs of communication, or I find communication but the words do not live up to these standards, then I will reevaluate. For now, I will search.
Three Paths
At this stage, we have three paths:
I followed all three simultaneously.
Consider science if you wonder about the intelligent design of the universe or think evolution answers questions of human origins. But again we are limited to knowing the fingerprint of God, but not knowing the actual being of God.
In the next section I will give a quick overview of science. In the actual science section, I will go in-depth into cell biology to convince people about intelligent design.
Consider the history section to see how I narrowed down the religions to evaluate even before researching religions. In this section, I will go into greater depth regarding what communication from the “greater God” should or might look like.
Finally, if you want to begin evaluating the religions themselves, skip to the “religion” section where I evaluate two religious systems: Abrahamic religions and Karmic religions. I highly recommend reading the history section first.
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- Why is that significant?
- If you agree, the next steps.
- If you disagree, please consider reading.
References And Links
- Thesaurus – Know
- Themelios – The Experience of God: Being, Consciousness, Bliss