The Search for God Page 5.6.5
Judaism is an interesting case. An early monotheistic religion that meets all the supposed attributes of the God we are looking for. It seems at first glance to check the boxes.

Knowledge, Verification, And Likeability
The tenets of Judaism claim that a single God of the universe called Yahweh or Jehovah spoke to multiple humans about numerous problems of death and sin. This being claims to have supernatural abilities and the followers of Judaism state that this God predicted the future.
This God claims to be all-knowing, eternal, timeless—every attribute we suspect an eternal being should possess. At this stage, I had not gone through the texts or the words of these religions, I was just evaluating what each religion claims about itself.
However, since I had to review the knowledge God provides about death, evil, and injustice, I began to become uncomfortable with the presentation of the ideas of sin and judgment. I mean, I understand that based on the law of morality some judgment should occur, however, this religion seems to impose a heavy burden.
I really don’t have much to say about Judaism at this stage; this religion passes the initial historical screen, the knowledge verification screen by offering prophecy, and has the single unique eternal intelligent God who personally spoke to humankind. So we will add this religion to the list for further consideration.
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- Judaism meets every criteria of the greater God where this being has also spoken to people.
- Why is that significant?
- Judaism is the leading candidate where God communicated.
- If you agree, the next steps.
- If you disagree, please consider reading.