The Search for God Page 5.3.1
Once again, we need to understand that these questions are dependent upon the theory of God we have developed and the attributes we have ascribed to God. We are basically using a scientific method.

We have run that information through philosophy and science. The God we are looking for is eternal, all-knowing, and timeless. So just like a religion should be extant, the religion should be old. God is choosing, some would say condescending, to communicate with his creations.
So the theoryis not only that God exists but that God communicates. While we may struggle to know how God might communicate, if we understand the basics of communication, we understand there is a purpose.
All these things flow out of God’s attributes, out of his very nature. We can make logical inferences and assumptions based on these things. So once we theorize that God is the following:
Then we can ask the question by using our own reasoning and understanding, “Would God communicate early in human history?” The logical response seems to be, “Yes.”
Of course, God doesn’t have to, but when you ask yourself why God would not communicate early, all the answers seem forced and illogical. Put yourself in God’s place with those attributes. I am not asking how God might communicate, just when.
So why 500 B.C.? I mean I could make the cut off 1000 B.C. When we consider that human civilization is at least 5,000 years old and that ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia date to before 3000 B.C. we could use an earlier cutoff, but I wanted to be reasonable.
There are so many records that don’t exist from such ancient times. I am not claiming that we must have original writings from that time period, just that the first communication from God and the establishment of communication and religion should be before 500 B.C.
I am not trying to create a heavy burden for documents at this stage. We will examine documents in the next book. Here, we are looking for signs of God’s existence (based on the theory we developed) and who that God might be.
Basically, I took a reasonable date for the beginning of human history, 3000 B.C., and divided history in half. Since we are at about 2000 AD, the two together total 5,000 years, half of 5,000 is 2,500.
So I used 500 B.C. as my cutoff date. I think quibbling on this point is fine, but the list won’t change much. People are going to want to quibble on every point in this book hoping to affect the outcome.
When I developed this process in college and medical school, I truly just wanted to know the truth and had no agenda. This concept to me is simple and seems very logical based upon the being we are searching for.
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- God has a nature based upon his character. If God is eternal and the creator of humans, then a religion established by God based upon communication from God should be before 500 B.C.
- Why is that significant?
- This eliminates the two largest religions in the world right now. Some people might be mad; I wasn’t.
- If you agree, the next steps.
- If you disagree, please consider reading.
References And Links
- Living Stream Ministry – What is God’s Purpose?