The Search for God Page 5.3
In our first cut, we eliminated all dead religions. In this next step, I will eliminate all religions that are newer than 500 BC. Again, if a timeless, eternal God spoke, then he has a purpose, and that purpose should be evident early in human history.

I can hear the screams already. When I began this process, I was not a believer in God; we are searching for a rational, intelligent being. I will go where the evidence leads.
Belief is a rational enterprise; this is not about how we feel. What does the evidence suggest? If God communicates, he has a purpose, give me a rational reason he might delay communicating.
Religion | Year Founded |
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist | Very Old |
Animism | Very Old |
Neo-Paganism | Very Old |
Judaism | Approx 3700 BC |
Hinduism | Approx 2000 BC |
Chinese traditional religion | Approx 1000 BC |
Ethnic religions excluding some in separate categories | Approx 1000 BC |
African traditional religions | Approx 1000 BC |
Zoroastrianism | Approx 1000 BC |
Jainism | Approx 800 BC |
Buddhism | Approx 600 BC |
Christianity | Approx 0 AD |
Unitarian Universalism | 0 AD |
Islam | Approx 620 AD |
Shinto | Approx 700 AD |
Sikhism | Approx 1500 AD |
Tenrikyo | About 1800 AD |
Spiritism | Approx 1850 AD |
Baháʼí | Approx 1850 AD |
Rastafari | 1900 AD |
Cao Dai | Approx 1900 AD |
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- Communication from God should be old.
- Why is that significant?
- We have eliminated 10 religions to begin our intensive study looking for communication from God.
- If you agree, the next steps.
- Why Would Communication from God Be Old?
- Why the Religion Should Be Old?
- If you disagree, please consider reading.
References And Links
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