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Is The Religion Old?

The Search for God Page 5.3

In our first cut, we eliminated all dead religions. In this next step, I will eliminate all religions that are newer than 500 BC. Again, if a timeless, eternal God spoke, then he has a purpose, and that purpose should be evident early in human history.

God spoke early.

Is the Religion Old

I can hear the screams already. When I began this process, I was not a believer in God; we are searching for a rational, intelligent being. I will go where the evidence leads.

Belief is a rational enterprise; this is not about how we feel. What does the evidence suggest? If God communicates, he has a purpose, give me a rational reason he might delay communicating.

ReligionYear Founded
Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/AtheistVery Old
AnimismVery Old
Neo-PaganismVery Old
JudaismApprox 3700 BC
HinduismApprox 2000 BC
Chinese traditional religionApprox 1000 BC
Ethnic religions excluding some in separate categoriesApprox 1000 BC
African traditional religionsApprox 1000 BC
ZoroastrianismApprox 1000 BC
JainismApprox 800 BC
BuddhismApprox 600 BC
ChristianityApprox 0 AD
Unitarian Universalism0 AD
IslamApprox 620 AD
ShintoApprox 700 AD
SikhismApprox 1500 AD
TenrikyoAbout 1800 AD
SpiritismApprox 1850 AD
BaháʼíApprox 1850 AD
Rastafari1900 AD
Cao DaiApprox 1900 AD
table content Wikipedia

What Next?

  • What is the crucial concept?
    • Communication from God should be old.
  • Why is that significant?
    • We have eliminated 10 religions to begin our intensive study looking for communication from God.
  • If you agree, the next steps.
    • Why Would Communication from God Be Old? 
    • Why the Religion Should Be Old?
  • If you disagree, please consider reading.
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