The Search for God Page 1.3
Are you feeling a hollowness that can only be filled by a higher power? You may be searching for answers to the big questions in life, such as “what happens to us after we die?“
No matter what your reason for seeking God is, you should not be demoralized if you do not find your answer right away.

Why Look For God
As you read along, you will join me in my reason to search for God. We will explore some of the rationales why other people might search for God and what that might mean for them.
We will also consider some drawbacks on this topic and see what implications it might have for our understanding of the search for God.
An Exploration Of Priorities And Purpose.
When I started my journey, I came across several pieces of information. My concern, however, was on the truth, I wanted to know two truths.
Why Am I Here?
Well, I know how I got here. Thanks, mom and dad!

What I wanted to know is, is there a purpose to the universe?
Why is there anything rather than nothing?
In short, is there a creator, or is this “stuff” just all random chance?
Where Am I Going?
We all know a secret, but we never want to talk about it; Death.
For me, I experienced both my grandfathers dying before I was 10. This seriously impacted me and gave me some angle about death.
So we might talk about going on vacation or going off to college, or going to get married, but ultimately everyone, every single living thing on this planet is going to die!
That’s where we are ALL GOING.
“Death comes for us all; even at our birth– even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little.
And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh. It is the law of nature, and the will of God.”
What Are Your Reasons?
Maybe you grew up in a religious house and are now trying to find your own way. Maybe you are searching to justify your beliefs or destroy another’s beliefs. Ultimately, underlying everything else, if we are searching for God, we are all searching for TRUTH.
What Are Your Reasons?
We get so caught up in daily life, our current pains, struggles, raising a family, getting money, and trying to change this world, that we forget this planet is a temporary dwelling.
By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, until you return to the ground, because from it you were taken; For you are dust, and to dust you shall return.
There Are Only Two Answers
We are searching to justify our beliefs, or we are searching for God, for Truth; either He exists, or he doesn’t. We might have many questions, doubts, fears, or other emotions during this process, but the truth is no respecter of our feelings; 2+2=4 does not care about our feelings. Many atheists claim people of faith use religion as a crutch, a balm for harsh rigors of life. These issues and more we will explore on this site. But for now, we have binary choices:

Inherent in every evaluation, we must be aware of pitfalls or traps to our evaluation. The most virulent virus is that of BIAS or Internal Influence. Anticipating answers, only looking at favorable information, not seriously considering multiple viewpoints. If our faith and viewpoint cannot stand scrutiny, how strong is it? External influence from family, upbringing, friends, culture, or country can be just as challenging to eradicate or minimize during the evaluation process.
Read More?
Depends on where you are at. I, however recommend everyone read about bias. Otherwise, you have four routes depending on your current stage of belief.
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- Even though each person’s reason for searching for God will differ, we are all seeking a solution to death.
- Why is that significant?
- Some truths are absolute, 100% certain, and even if humans ignore absolute truth, we are still bound by that reality.
- If you agree, the next steps
- If you disagree, Please Consider Reading
References And Links
Why am I (personally) searching for God?
- Ligonier – Why Only Two Worldviews?
- Religion-Online – Purpose in the Universe