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If I told you I KNOW what happens after death, I hope you would greet that statement with skepticism and ask, “How do you know?”
Check out the article “How do we know anything?” Have you observed the realm of death?
Can we confirm the experiences relayed by people who have “died” and come back to life?

The Realm Of Death
So how can we learn about what happens after humans die while still living on earth? Here are all the possibilities concerning the human death experience:
The supernatural, extra-human revelation: Some higher being, like God, tells humankind what happens after we die. Are there any other options?
We can immediately rule out, “All humans experience the realm of death and understand it.” Clearly, there are no travel brochures that promote, “Ten days in the wonderfully warm tropics of death. Come one come all. Only $199 USD per night.”
Next, some humans claim they have experienced the realm of death. Now, either these individuals are lying, confused (hallucinating, dreaming, drug-induced), or telling the truth.
Individual experience is a challenging issue. Since we do not have a way to induce death and standardize the time individuals are in the realm of death, we cannot take photos; there is no sightseeing.
In summary, we lack objective evidence that is testable, verifiable, and consistently credible. As much as I want to believe an individual, in my eyes, we lack certainty in human experience in the realm of death.
Therefore, we cannot reliably use these instances to develop a concrete understanding about life after death.
Can We Travel Between Death And Life
The third option, no human experiences death and comes back to life. This option is self-defeating and obviously not helpful, and quickly discarded. If no human experiences death, then we have no knowledge about death and require information from another source, like God, or there is nothing after death.
Either way, this option only forces us to search for answers outside of human knowledge.

The fourth human option is theory and speculation. Here is where most people love to reside. We might look at nature; we might observe life cycles and conclude that this is evidence of reincarnation.
We might see a butterfly or a seed and think of transformation. But just like option two, we have no evidence. On earth, we can flow through the seasons of nature and learn the outcome.
We can watch a caterpillar create a cocoon and then emerge as a butterfly. These theories sound plausible. We see similarities in nature, but what do we know?
We get into situations where people claim to have a memory of past lives. If we are transformed, we do not witness those transformations. Those people who have died do not return and tell us what happened.
So, all human efforts are in vain. What are we left with?
What We Need
We need either multiple people to return from the dead or a place of transformation with consistent verifiable evidence, or we need clear signs of reincarnation or descriptions from the realm of the dead.
Since all human efforts to study and research life after death have failed, we need another option. We need the supernatural option. We need a being who sets the path of those in the afterlife, maybe a judge, an angel, an eternal being – a being who doesn’t die.
We need clear instances of this information, but again, would one being be enough, and would one recitation of what the afterlife is like be enough for humans to have certainty of the afterlife?
The Truth
So even though death might be an absolute truth, it is insufficient other than to find a solution to the problem. Is death the end or just the beginning of a long cycle?
We need someone to tell us. We need someone with more knowledge, a better vantage point of all of reality.
Someone who can see beyond the distant horizon. Death prompts us to ask the big questions. Why am I here? What is the purpose of life if we die? Does a being who does not die exist? Can that being tell me where I’m going?
So come with me on this journey of exploration. As we set off, we need to gather our tools and pack our bags.
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- What happens after death has proven to be an unanswerable question from the human perspective?
- Why is that significant?
- Just like death, we have to recognize our own limitations.
- If you agree, the next steps
- How to search for God? Tools of our search
- Man’s search for reality and truth.
- If you disagree, please consider reading
References And Links
- Understanding near-death experiences
- Near-death experiences research foundation (NDERF)
- New Clues Found in Understanding Near-Death Experiences
- Near-death experience: Evidence of their reality – research study
- AWARE – Awareness during Resuscitation – A prospective study
- Results of world’s largest Near Death Experiences study published
- Guidelines and standards for the study of death and recalled experiences of death – a multidisciplinary consensus statement and proposed future directions – Parnia – 2022
- ‘I didn’t want to return’: Research says near-death experiences not hallucinations; answer still elusive