The Search for God Page 4.2.3
So you are this eternal, all-powerful, and all-knowing God. There is no time for you, so one day… one day? What the heck is a day? Well, I am all-powerful, I just made a day, cool.
So, one day, you create a day and this thing called time and in this thing called time, beings live that you also create. You are going to rub them and pet them and name them George (one too many Bugs Bunny cartoons).

Purpose Of Communication
Seriously, God creates time and humans for a purpose. These assumptions are all based upon intelligent design and our knowledge about God discovered through understanding “The Laws of Logic” and “The Laws of Experience.”
Please go back and read those sections if you need to. So God has communicated nonverbally through what has been made and now God communicates verbally. Every communication has a purpose.
Ask my children how many times I have talked to them about God or finances, they are probably sick of hearing about it. Humans communicate about what is important to us, so would I expect God to communicate what is important to him.
Again, we must understand this being we expect to find, God, should have the attributes of timelessness, eternality, all-knowledge, omnipresence, and goodness. If this being exists, he wants to communicate, he has to communicate.
That is the big conditional—if this being exists, maybe another lesser god exists, but the one I expect from all this non-verbal communication tells me this greater God should exist. Therefore, this God would want to communicate. These logical conclusions flow from our assumptions.
If an all-knowing, timeless, eternal being wants to communicate and must communicate because he designed and made us, then God would never let his communication die out. As long as I am living, I am going to communicate my mind and thoughts.
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- If the God I seek exists, he would never allow his communication to die out.
- Why is that significant?
- Some current person, institution, or religion should have communication from God.
- If you agree, the next steps.
- If you disagree, please consider reading.
References And Links
- International Association of Project Managers – The five axioms of communication