The Search for God Page
What is it about time that fascinates us so much? Have you ever wondered what would happen if you could change time? From Back to the Future to the Snap in Marvel’s Infinity Wars, time travel and time change fascinate us.
As much as we contemplate and consider “what if”, much like we do death, humans are stuck in a continuous river of time flowing in one direction.

We wonder, “What if we could alter reality in our minds or change the past?” But alas, realizing we cannot affect history. We attempt to wrestle the future, conforming it to our will.
Reality Of Time
Time occurs one way – that is reality. So how does this concept apply to life after death?
The first option is that since each religion is mutually exclusive in what they suggest, reincarnation, some spiritual nirvana, or physical resurrection, then that one specific process would be 100% correct.
If the universe is a mechanistic process, like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly with no God, then whatever all-natural mechanistic process would occur after humans die. That is, humans would go through some process of metamorphosis, changing like a butterfly.
We would go from a body-soul combination to a soul only, then our soul would be processed without our ability to change the procedure, just like our own birth. This course of action would be 100% applicable to all humans.
Individually Created Reality
Wouldn’t that be an amazing afterlife? You can become in effect, your own god. You could conform reality to your desires. What is the problem here?

That is a problem, interaction.
Okay, let’s say we each get our own realm. I now become, in effect, god for the universe that I oversee.
Let’s say all these questions get answered and each one of us gets an individually created reality. Is that still one truth about the afterlife?
You see, whether there is nothing, some mechanistic, non-god process, or individually created reality there is still only one truth. There is only one-way things will go. If everyone gets a choice, then 100% of people get a choice.
If we are forced into some process, then we force 100% of people. Maybe there is a slide, and some go down one tunnel, and some go down another and it is completely random.
Still, there is a process, we just don’t know how that process works. The laws of logic will always apply.
The Laws
We are creatures bound to time and bound to whatever process there is after death. Just like in life, we are bound to the laws of identity, the laws of non-contradiction, the laws of cause and effect, and the law of death.
After death, we will be bound to laws as well. We will never be non-caused. Maybe we will get all-knowledge after death.Maybe we will obtain all-power.
Imagine 10 billion former humans with the power and knowledge of the cosmos in their own little universe, separate and alone, no longer able to die, what a wonderful place.
Future And Death
Still, there is one way that time will unfold, we just don’t know it yet, but we try to hope and will, forcing the future to conform and bend to our whims because the past is 100% fixed.
Whatever the future and death hold will also unfold in one way. We are creatures living in a river of time. We are changing and becoming something. We just don’t know what or who yet.
Just like birth, we will move from the fetal womb of life, body and soul, waiting to experience life after bodily death. That is why there is only one truth about life after death.
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- There is one process for life after death.
- Humans will move from the womb of life into some unknown environment after death.
- Why is that significant?
- Who can tell us about the new environment for our life after death?
- If you agree, the next steps
- If you disagree, please consider reading
References And Links
- Medium (Understanding-of-time) – What is it about time that fascinates us so much
- Compelling truth (After life) – After death