The Search for God Page
We just finished a gaggle of articles and before we attempt to muddy the thoughts further, I want to take a moment and reflect upon what we have discovered. Just like the discovery of elements over the last 200 years,

God should be present like a missing element on the periodic table or like the energy patterns for missing quarks. So let’s recap what we have found. God should have the following characteristics.
The Possible Nature Of GOD
God should be eternal based on the law of cause and effect. Cause and effect also suggests God should be non-caused. Based on the law of identity, God should be all-knowing, having all knowledge suggests a being.
When we combine identity and causality, we find that things in this universe change, but this being should not change, he would be timeless. Now we name this being God as a placeholder, kind of like president, until we have a name.
Now this timeless, unchanging, all-knowing, eternal being should also be transcendent. We know things of this universe change and cease to exist, but God should be able to cross barriers of time and see a realm of time and death we cannot witness.
Finally, based on morality combined with all-knowledge, this God should be able to perfectly judge humans and possess all the power needed to carry out these judgments. We think God should be present. Is He an element tied to this universe?
Check out the excellent “Mystery of Matter” video below. Can we take a spectrometer and view God?
How Would You Know When You Find God?
If God is all-knowing, wouldn’t He be everywhere? Is God dark matter? So maybe we can discover God; the traces of His existence permeate the heavens and our very being. But a theory for existence is not proof of existence.
So maybe, just maybe, God will find us. Still, we have explored what we know and found evidence for this being, but maybe in philosophy or in science, we will find this being. So before I turn to some religion, I want to exhaust the human ability to find God.
Everything I know tells me God should exist, so I should be able to find Him. How will I know when I find God? In the next section on philosophy, we will consider the question, “Could a being be God without all these characteristics?” Maybe we misunderstand who God is.
Are these characteristics we ascribe to God rational? How would you know when you find God or that God is speaking? What will it take for you to belief? Check out this funny video about a man asking God to save him from a flood.
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- God should be an all-knowing, all-powerful, uncaused, transcendent, eternal Judge of the universe.
- Why is that significant?
- Humans have knowledge of God within their grasp.
- If you agree, the next steps.
- If you disagree, please consider reading.
References And Links
The Mystery of Matter: “UNRULY ELEMENTS”
Riddles of Reality: From Quarks to the Cosmos
- Richard E. Simmons III – The Human Struggle To Find God