• Why A Religion Must Be Extant

    The Search for God Page 5.2.1 The Quest For Truth We are on a quest. Our quest could have eternal life-saving consequences, or it could be the biggest fraud in human history. As I entered this search during college, I said I wanted the truth, that I had no bias, but…

  • Is The Religion Extant?

    The Search for God Page 5.2 There are a few ways I think about the journey to determine whether God not only exists but whether he spoke to a human being. Step one: there seems to be evidence that a creator of the universe and humans exist, which is general revelation and knowledge. To find…

  • What Is Religion?

    The Search for God Page 5.1 Wow, how many hours do you have? This topic is a deep chasm of varying beliefs and practices the world over and throughout history. At its core, religion is the worship of a deified being, some being or creature greater in power that has some practice to it….

  • Summary Of The Heavy Burden I Impose Upon God

    The Search for God Page 4.2.6 These are the attributes I expect God to possess. I am not saying I know God has these attributes. If we are looking for ultimate reality and the eternal substance of the universe, then this is the only unique being possible. What I know to be true: Law Of Identity Problem lack…

  • Does Communication Equal Religion?

    The Search for God Page 4.2.5 Up until this point I have used the term “communication” from God. While this seems reasonable, most people think of religion when they think about God. Are the two ideas interchangeable? Religion Well, we clearly see they are different words and have different definitions. Religions are often…

  • Why Would Communication From God Never Die Out?

    The Search for God Page 4.2.3 So you are this eternal, all-powerful, and all-knowing God. There is no time for you, so one day… one day? What the heck is a day? Well, I am all-powerful, I just made a day, cool. So, one day, you create a day and this thing called time and in…

  • Why Would Communication From God Be Old?

    The Search for God Page 4.2.2 I previously argued in “What is the Purpose of Communication?” that communication from God should be old, based on the purpose of communication itself. When we speak and provide knowledge and instruction, we are best off if that communication is done early in the conversation. I view the…

  • God’s Non-Verbal Communication

    The Search for God Page We have spent all this time discussing what we witness in the universe and what we witness about reality and humanity. I have suggested intelligent design as the cause of human existence. In addition, I have maintained that only if God speaks can we truly know who God is….

  • How Would Communication Verify God’s Word?

    The Search for God Page Personal Interest Personally, I love math. Ever since I was a little boy, math has been fun and easy. You take these numbers or equations, and you solve a problem. The answer is consistent, there is no “what was the author thinking when they…

  • What Is The Purpose Of Communication?

    The Search for God Page 4.2.1 When I began my study of religions, I often questioned which one, if any, was correct? I approached the search logically. I wanted to know if the religions that claimed God spoke to one of their prophets, founders, and so on, were correct. Before…