• What Is Buddhism?

    The Search for God Page 5.6.1 The Religion Buddhism Though Buddhism may use the karmic system and the idea of reincarnation, Buddhism is truly its own system of thought. Though after studying the “religion” I think this is more philosophy. Though Buddhism recognizes god and other realms, the source of knowledge is…

  • Hinduism

    The Search for God Page 5.6.2 I can see why Hinduism has survived so long. Hinduism combines aspects of monotheism, where Brahman is the supreme God, with the polytheism of lower beings, such as incarnations of gods such as Vishnu in Krishna. The source of knowledge in Hinduism is broad, consisting of:…

  • Why Do Multiple Communications From God Matter?

    The Search for God Page 5.5.2 God’s Non-Verbal Communication In a previous section, we discussed God’s challenge of non-verbal communication. Many religious people call this concept the general revelation. That is, “The heavens declare the glory of God” (Psalm 19:1a, KJV). While I agree that through science and philosophy, and the things we…

  • Are There Two Or More Communications From God?

    The Search for God Page 5.5 So once again we are searching for an all-knowing, eternal, timeless being. In this section, we are narrowing down any religion that does not claim to have at least two communications from such a being.  The Elimination The first elimination is simple, atheism and agnosticism’s claim to knowledge is humankind or lack…

  • Why Is A Written Religious Tradition Important?

    The Search for God Page 5.4.1 How Do We Verify Spoken Words? Have you ever played the game telephone? It’s a fun little game where a group of people sit in a circle. One person starts by whispering in the ear of the person next to them, who then whispers…

  • Why Does A Written Religious Tradition Matter?

    The Search for God Page 5.4.2 Have you ever heard of the Rosetta Stone? Not the language software, but the archeological discovery. It is a fascinating story. Basically, humanity had lost the ability to understand Egyptian Hieroglyphs, the symbols were well known in archeology circles, but the knowledge of the Egyptian hieroglyphic language…

  • Is There A Written Tradition?

    The Search for God Page 5.4 If we want to communicate our thoughts consistently, we write them down. Philosophers, other than the Gadfly of Athens, took time to document their thoughts. We should expect that a rational, intelligent God would expect anyone he communicated with to write down what is said. The…

  • Why Should The Religion Be Old?

    The Search for God Page 5.3.1 Once again, we need to understand that these questions are dependent upon the theory of God we have developed and the attributes we have ascribed to God. We are basically using a scientific method. We have run that information through philosophy and science. The God we…

  • Is The Religion Old?

    The Search for God Page 5.3 In our first cut, we eliminated all dead religions. In this next step, I will eliminate all religions that are newer than 500 BC. Again, if a timeless, eternal God spoke, then he has a purpose, and that purpose should be evident early in human history….