• How Would You Prove You Are God?

    Let’s do a fun exercise… So if you were God, the creator of the universe and humanity, how would you go about proving that you are the supreme being? You have all power, all knowledge, and you exist everywhere at once. You have granted humans free will, but because you are all-powerful, you can force…

  • How Do I Determine which Religions To Study?

    Has God Spoken? So my ultimate goal is to find the truth about God, creation, the universe, mankind, and ultimately myself. The first step is to find God. Let’s say I wanted to determine whether God spoke to mankind. I wanted to find and know the truth. How would I determine…

  • Why Must God Reveal Himself?

    Who Am I? How Do You Define Yourself? Isn’t that the question we have wrestled with since being a small child? Who am I? Where am I going? What do I want? We understand these basic ideas when we search for identity. Identity is the very idea that objects, things have a definition. In philosophy, there…

  • What Is God?

    The Search for God Page 3.2.5 Ramifications Of “What” Suppose I learned anything from philosophy and science; definitions matter! So when I ask what is God? I must define this term, but what concept do I hold in my mind? When I ask what is God, as opposed to Who is God, this is my attempt…

  • Is (was) the Universe Created?

    The Search for God What Evidence Would Convince You? Before we begin, this article is certainly not exhaustive; books have been written on creation and evolution. This article is more about my journey and the reasons I moved from an atheist to the belief that a being created the universe and life….

  • How Do I Find God?

    God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

  • Why Search For God?

    The Search for God Page 1.1 You’ve finally done it! You’ve hopped on Google search to find out about all this God stuff and somehow landed here. Well, I hope you find this information helpful. So Why Search For God? That’s a genuinely personal question and will differ for each…

  • Who is Jesus?

    A Quick Overview Of Jesus’ Own Words They say there are SEVEN STAGES of GRIEF. I spent a lot of time in DENIAL, ANGER, and BARGAINING. I wanted to know. I wanted information about who Jesus is, but when confronted with that knowledge, I did a lot of bargaining and testing….