Let’s do a fun exercise…
So if you were God, the creator of the universe and humanity, how would you go about proving that you are the supreme being? You have all power, all knowledge, and you exist everywhere at once.

You have granted humans free will, but because you are all-powerful, you can force them to acknowledge and submit to your decrees, will you? So how would you do it?
My Pre-Christian And Post-Christian Thoughts
I have often thought about this. First, I have my pre-Christian thoughts and my post-Christian thoughts. Before I became a Christian, I thought sin was a problem.
I just thought, “God, show Yourself to the whole world, show Yourself to every human, and they would believe.” I mean, haven’t we all asked for that? God, just show us Yourself. Even the disciples asked, “Show us the father, and that will be enough.” Jn. 14.
What if a being came up to you, showed up on television, walked into every church, synagogue, mosque, boomed a loud voice, “I am God, follow me.” Right, what movie magic is this? But even more important is, what is the purpose?
Why would God reveal himself to humanity? That is the real question. Why would God want to prove who He is? Every communication is tied to purpose. Why would I speak if I don’t care about a person or don’t know them? To speak to communicate establishes a relationship.
Knowledge Of God
Like I said earlier, before I became a Christian, my thought was always like, show me God, and that is enough. If I have the knowledge of God… what? So what? I have knowledge of God, a great time to live my life. If God does not care about how I live my life, then why speak?
If I don’t care how my children live, whether they hurt their brother or sister or lie, cheat, steal, and I look the other way as a parent, what would you say about me? If I sired seven children and left their mother destitute and did not interact as a father, what would you say about me?

Isn’t that how much of the world views Jehovah God? Just speak, and we will know You. Children know about their absent father and believe he is real, but what effect does that have on their lives?
I understand that God the Father has revealed Himself. As a father, I try to educate and instruct my children to be kind, to love those around them, and to be gentle and caring. I try to advise them that they have responsibility for those around them, but that places a burden upon their conscience.
I see now that knowledge of God is not enough, “even the demons believe.” Jam 2:19. If I was God, I have not only the purpose of knowledge about who I am, but I have the purpose of instruction, trust, and faith. What do I mean?
Look, all of us in this day and age have gone to school: elementary, middle, and high school. Some of us loved school, we all have knowledge of the teachers, the building, we know about the school.
But there is also the education, the learning; what do we take away? Some go to school, but they distrust teachers, they lack motivation, and they don’t want to do the work.
Beyond Knowledge
Whether in family, education, jobs, or personal life, there is more to living than knowledge. There is “walking the walk”. You see, the reason God wants to prove that He is the creator is that He is looking for a few good humans that will “walk the walk”, that will pursue more than just knowledge of Him, but a desire to live and love in a world He has imagined.
A world of peace, love, kindness, and faithfulness, but that can only happen for those who believe that He is and rewards those who pursue Him and His agenda.

So, what does God know that we don’t? Why did God choose to reveal Himself in what many think is an obscure way? It doesn’t matter how God chose to reveal Himself because ultimately, some will believe and some will not believe.
Some will follow, and some will refuse to obey. Just look at the angels, they have seen God, but a group does not want to live under his rule. They would rather follow their own agenda. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.”
God chose to send the Logos as a man, the word of God as an incarnate deity to prove knowledge of the father. Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you for such a long time? Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father.” But more importantly, God sent Jesus. God provided His word to lead us and guide us.
You see, it doesn’t matter how God chose to reveal Himself. What matters is why. Once we have the knowledge, what will we do with it? Will we submit and follow or rebel and turn away?
You see, the real question is not how would you prove you are God? The real question is, why create life and communicate at all?
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- Why is that significant?
- If you agree, the next steps.
- If you disagree, please consider reading.