• Does Absolute Truth Exist?

    The Search for God Do You Want A True Answer Or A False One? While the subtitle is a little tongue-in-cheek, most people recognize that truth exists. Some will argue that each has “their” truth, but absolute truth has to do with truth independent of our own perspective and experience. So let’s…

  • What is Absolute Truth?

    The Search for God Perfect Knowledge Of Reality When we want to know epistemology and discuss a topic, start with definitions. If we cannot agree, then we are discussing apples and oranges. Absolute – free from imperfection, perfectTruth – that which corresponds to facts and reality Absolute truths are hard to come…

  • Bias

    The Search for God Page Contagious Disease Or Inherent In Free Will? As I began my search for God, the first bump, the first hiccup occurred as I began asking who is God? and immediately, the Judeo-Christian God was thrust into my conscious thought process. Why? Even though I hated church, even though I…

  • Who is God?

    A Light-Hearted Philosophical Evaluation Who is God is an excellent religious and philosophical question? Asking who already denotes that the questioner suspects that God is a person or some individual. If you suspect or presuppose God is an impersonal force, the question would be framed, what is God? You see, we…

  • Does God Exist?

    Whose God? Wow! Have you got 1,000 pages and years of studying available? Theologians, scholars, scientists, and philosophers have debated since the beginning of time over this very question. Before diving in, I want to address two main issues and questions. Definition Please Simply by asking the question, we each…

  • Why Am I Searching For God?

    No matter what your reason for seeking God, it’s important to remember that there is no one right way to find Him. You should not be demoralized if you do not find your answer right away.