The Search for God
Perfect Knowledge Of Reality
When we want to know epistemology and discuss a topic, start with definitions. If we cannot agree, then we are discussing apples and oranges.
Absolute – free from imperfection, perfect
Truth – that which corresponds to facts and reality

Absolute truths are hard to come by, which is the basic premise of ‘hyper-perspectivism’. Rather, truths are always in the eyes of the beholder, truths are always observer-relative, truths are “made” by a “truth-maker.”
You can approach our multifaceted reality from an incredibly large number of angles. Everything is perspectival, in other words, it all depends on your perspective, your frame of reference.
Alex M. Vikoulov, The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution
Informational Article
Perspective And Knowledge
nteresting perspective. The argument suggests that each person carries his/her own perspective, and therefore truth is never absolute. This is an argument from limited knowledge.
What if we had all knowledge? What if we could see sub-atomic particles? See Absolute Truth sits at every moment, but we lack the awareness and knowledge to have certainty.
Absolute truth cannot be bended. A universal truth is like mathematics there is only one answer but there’s many ways to get there.
The idea of absolute truth is twofold.
Knowledge Of Reality
The chair I am sitting in, the car that I drive, the way a baseball flies off a bat, all have a deeply rooted reality in physics, chemistry, and mathematics. There is one way each interaction occurs, resulting in construction, locomotion, or that home run.
Just because I don’t know every force, every angle, every chemical reaction doesn’t mean that the chair has two different realities because two different people see them differently.
There is one way the chair was made. There is one way the chair arrived at my house. There is one way the chair works. One person might use the chair differently, but the reality of the chair, its composition, and its construction is reality.
Reality And Interpretation
Do we really think our interpretation of reality makes it true, perfect?

Human interpretation of facts and information is limited; we know this. This parable demonstrates the idea of limited knowledge and the faulty interpretation of that limited information.
Absolute Truth is dependent upon perfection in several key factors.
Knowledge – Not just any knowledge, but perfect knowledge. Knowledge of all the facts.
Perception – For absolute truth, we need not only knowledge but the ability to perceive that knowledge. We might theorize about the ball getting hit by the bat, we can perceive the large object interaction, but what about the batters muscles firing, the glucose being consumed by the muscles, etc, etc.
Reality – Is what we share with other beings. Truth and reality is what is really around us and within us
Next Steps
Now that we have discussed what absolute truth is, and since humans lack perfect knowledge and perfect perception, does absolute truth even exist? If you have no doubt absolute truth exists, please move to the next section.
What Next?
- What is the crucial concept?
- Why is that significant?
- If you agree, the next steps
- If you disagree, please consider reading