• What Does It Mean To Be Unchanging?

    The Search for God Page We continue to develop the heavy burden of finding God and the attributes of God we expect to find—the attributes this being should possess to be considered the greatest conceivable being. The driving force for God’s attributes is the requirement for all-knowledge. Since humans demand…

  • What Does It Mean To Be Eternal?

    The Search for God Page Do you want something that will hurt your brain? Well probably not—still, consider eternity. Go on, what does it mean to be eternal? Eternal means always existing. This thing has never, not existed. Before the universe began, this stuff was present. We might be born…

  • What Does It Mean To Be Timeless?

    The Search for God Page When I was in high school, I fancied myself as a romantic. I had this notion of love that would be timeless and would last forever. One of my favorite songs was “Always” by Atlantic Star. One line of the song, in particular, was,…

  • What Does It Mean To Be Non-Caused?

    The Search for God Page Eternal and non-caused. While at first, these two attributes seem similar and are often used interchangeably, I want to consider the nuanced difference. When we discussed the universe and eternality, we came to the conclusion that something has to be eternal. There is some substance that…

  • Where To Start The Search For Ultimate Reality, Absolute Truth, And God?

    The Search for God Page 3.2 The Declaration So where are we at? We have covered laws that apply to 100% of the universe and humans, and we have defined the attributes of the greatest conceivable being, we term god. Now we are going to look at philosophy. But, before even considering these topics, I had to ask…

  • Reason And The Senses

    The Search for God Page 3.1.4 I love my five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Have you ever played the game, “Which of your five senses would you give up?” I always choose hearing. I love food too much and I pretty much don’t listen to anyone anyways. The Senses…

  • Reality And Truth

    The Search for God Page 3.1.3 In the previous article entitled “What is Philosophy,” I provided the goal of philosophy: To know the ultimate reality and to know that reality is absolutely true. What Is Reality When we speak about reality, what do we mean? Reality is what exists.We realize many…

  • Absolute And Relative Truth

    The Search for God Page 3.1.2 Truth Truth is an elusive concept, just like ultimate reality. The idea of true and false can be a logical statement like 1 + 1 = 2 is true. Truth can be in regard to science or telling the truth, like in a court of…

  • What Is Reality?

    The Search for God Page 3.1.1 The Beginning From the first moment we are conceived, we enter physical reality. We grow and develop in our mother’s womb and are finally born into an oxygen-rich atmosphere where we take our first breath. For the first months of life, we are attached to…

  • What Is Philosophy?

    The Search for God Page 3.1 Philosophy is one of the most ancient disciplines. In western thought, the term philosophy was put forth by the Greeks and means love “philo” of wisdom “sophy”. You can read more on Wikipedia’s philosophy article. The wisdom of these deep thoughts was applied to every…