• The Law Of Death

    The Search for God Page We talked previously about how the pain of death was the prime factor that began my search for God, and I think such pain gives every human pause to consider whether there is any existence after death. Unfortunately, from everything we experience, death is a 100%…

  • Creativity, Abstract Thought, And Belief

    The Search for God Page What does it mean to be human? Philosophers, poets, and writers have struggled and discussed this for centuries. While we know many things about ourselves, there are many more things we don’t know. It wasn’t until 60-70 years ago that we even knew the language…

  • The Law Of Morality

    The Search for God Page So far we have examined laws of logic and laws from experience, all of which apply 100% to all things in existence. Now, we’re going to examine laws that just apply to humans, as far as we know. These concepts are probably better functional laws of humanity. The…

  • What Is Belief?

    The Search for God Page We all live our lives based on certain principles: truth, faith, and belief. We put our faith (trust) in those things we believe (feel or think, hope or know) to be true. So belief is what we think or feel to be true. When you believe, you develop a level…

  • The Importance Of Belief

    The Search for God Page Life, it’s often said, is a tapestry, a painting, a great work of art. Life brings together a myriad of colors and objects as people and situations enter and leave our lives; a piece of art unique to each individual. While colors and threads…

  • What Level Of Evidence Is Required For Your Belief?

    The Search for God Page Every single human walks around every day believing something. We believe or don’t believe that our spouse loves us. Or maybe we believe or don’t believe our parents or children love us. We might believe a certain political party is correct or a certain religion. We…

  • Laws Of Mathematics

    The Search for God Page From the first moment a child realizes that two jelly beans are better than one, math becomes a constant in their life. From kindergarten through the rest of our lives, the concrete certainty of math and money underlies our existence. All of science, physics, and the…

  • Law Of Non-Contradiction And The Excluded Middle

    The Search for God Page Let’s say you’re driving down the street to work in the morning. The traffic is fairly light. You and a friend are commuting to save money. The car is going about 35 mph when you see a red light up ahead with two cars…

  • Identity And Change

    The Search for God Page You may have heard it said, “You can never step in the same river twice.” We witness everything around us and everything within us in a state of flux; things change. What Heraclitus, an ancient philosopher, actually said was Law Of Identity We just spoke…

  • The Law Of Identity

    The Search for God Page As we briefly learned in the article, “What Do We Know,” the law of identity simply means whatever is, is. If we placed a definition upon this idea, it would be A = A or tree = tree. Whatever something is, that is what it is. Now,…